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Adult Health

Foot Care Clinics
Norman-Mahnomen Public Health provides foot cares in our office and in the community by appointment. Services include foot care (nails trimmed and filed), blood pressure checks, education, and referral to providers as needed. The cost is $25. No one will be denied services for inability to pay.

Reproductive and Sexual Health 
Norman-Mahnomen Public Health offers free or low-cost reproductive & sexual health services. Our Physician Assistant, Nurses, and Staff offer high-quality and confidential services. Everyone is welcome to our clinics, regardless of gender identity, immigration status, income, race, religion, and sexual orientation. 
Case Management
Case Management includes activities that help people access, coordinate, and monitor needed services related to the person’s assessed needs and preferences. Needed services include:
  • Educational
  • Medical
  • Social
  • Vocational

Case management activities may be provided to or arranged for a person. Activities may include, but are not limited to:
  • Coordinating services
  • Developing a support plan based on people’s assessed needs and preferences
  • Evaluating and monitoring services identified in the support plan
  • Helping people access needed services
  • Helping people identify potential service providers
  • Informing people and their legal representatives of service options.